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 Access Badge 

Call Access Badge to any physical accreditation that allows the user to interact with the reading or reading-writing Module or Terminal and, therefore, be identified by the system. Generally speaking, the Access Badge have the typical form of ISO 7810 type cards (also called ID-1) but can also have a specialized forms (tags, keyfobs, etc.), and can present different logical structures and usage.

Each and every one of the products manufactured by Qontinuum intended for Access Control, Time and Attendance and Shop Floor Data Capture are grouped in Families on the basis of the technology that exist in the Access Badge to be used. Within some Families there is a split in Classes depending on the specific characteristics of the Access Badge, since although the technology was the same (for example, in the SEP Family all the Access Badge communicate via radio frequency) features may be, and indeed are, different and incompatible in reason of the manufacturer and of such RFID elements (radio frequencies used, type of encoding information, some sort of encryption, etc.).

Due to functional similarity, and even though in the reading Modules and in the Terminals of the BIO Family the classic Access Badge are not used, the user identification through biometrics makes, in fact, that perform like "virtual" Access Badge.

Find the Access Badge classified by Families:






Family MIF :
'MIFARE' tags ("fS=4")
The 'MIFARE' tags communicate with the reading-writing Modules through radio frequency (RFID) in compliance with ISO/IEC 14443-3 Type A. These tags (especially when have the form of a card) are also called "contactless smart card".
MIF-1211 RFID element card shaped (ISO 7810) with an embedded electronic component that contains the antenna, the wired logic and the memory (EEPROM rewritable technology with 1 KByte of capacity). data sheet (PDF)

Family DEF :
'DESFire' tags ("fS=4")
The 'DESFire' tags communicate with the reading-writing Modules through radio frequency (RFID) in compliance with ISO/IEC 14443-4 Type A. These tags (especially when have the form of a card) are also called "contactless smart card".
DEF-1214 RFID element card shaped (ISO 7810) with an embedded electronic component that contains the antenna, the microprocessor and the memory (EEPROM rewritable technology with 4 KBytes of capacity). data sheet (PDF)

Family BIO :
"virtual" Access Badge
Class "3" The Templates are in accordance with ISO/IEC 19794-2, so they are compatible with all the reading Modules of the Qontinuum's Terminals belonging to the Class "3" (corresponding to the "fingerprint") and also with other biometrics manufacturers that are compliant with such ISO/IEC standard.  
Class "4" The Templates generated are compatible with all reading Modules of the Qontinuum's Terminals belonging to the Class "4" (corresponding to the "palm vein").  

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Page updated: 10-02-2012 Copyright © 1999-2012, Qontinuum Plus, S.L.
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