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Application areas and technological capacities


These are some of the competitive advantages we offer to our Dealers:

Favorable prices and 36 months warranty.
Telephone support without reservation to any installation problems.
Systematic improvements in our application programs, all of which are self-installable and are equipped with the appropriate "Help", complete, clear and concise (and from now on with "multilingual" possibilities).
Very good relationship "cost-performance" in most of our products (for example, the application program WinAcces has an almost symbolic price, while its performances are very noticeable).
Availability of application programs from third parties.
Full range of Time and Attendance application programs with upward functional scalability, so that investments by end users are always guaranteed.

Qontinuum markets a range of products at an official price list which Dealers always known, as well as recognizes the important work being done by Dealers applying a substantial discount on these prices on generic operations, while for special operations (large amounts of product or market areas considered strategic by Qontinuum) the discount may be higher.

The discounts initially applied can be reviewed periodically based on business results obtained by the Dealer and its ongoing administrative action.

In Qontinuum we don't believe in the exclusive territorial (especially if not substantiated by firm commitments to purchase) but in a job well done, and in this vein we understand that the "exclusive" will be gained, over time, by the Dealer itself through its actions, since our ultimate interest lies in having an excellent distribution network for both our existing products and for those in the future we can manufacture and/or market.



      Phone: +34 932451628    Fax: +34 932473659
Address: carrer Ausiàs Marc, 71, entresol   08013 Barcelona
Page updated: 26-01-2011 Copyright © 1999-2012, Qontinuum Plus, S.L.
All rights reserved